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Camoin-Jodorowsky Tarot de Marseille
This deck contains innumerable symbols
which were rebuilt starting from many old tarots
Philippe Camoin and Alejandro Jodorowsky
Tarot deck exclusively published by Camoin Editions since 1997
Guardian of the Tradition of the Tarot de Marseille since more than two centuries, the Camoin House was forced by the industrial revolution to change the colors of the Tarot. After a long Philippe Camoin, research task and Alejandro Jodorowsky tried to rebuild the colors and the symbols of the Tarot. Some were incomplete or had already disappeared at the 18th century.
Philippe Camoin, reference internationally recognized on the Tarot de Marseille, and Alejandro Jodorowsky, scenario writer of legend and master es Tarot, linked their efforts in order to create a Tarot de Marseille which is most esoteric possible, while respecting esoteric breadth tradition and symbolic system.
The attempt at Reconstitution of the Tarot de Marseille is a scientific study which was undertaken during several years per Philippe Camoin and Alejandro Jodorowsky.
"Almost the totality of the Tarots of the whole world are copied from the pattern of the Tarot de Marseille”, Philippe Camoin observes, in the light of many irrefutable signs which it gathered and reveals during his investigations on the Tarot de Marseille. The essential aim of this research is to find the symbols, the vocation and the significance first of this monument of the Occidental culture, whose language is also understandable to our Eastern friends. It is not useless to quote H.P.Blavatsky here: “The Tarot is the key of all the Western esotericism”.

The Goal of this work
This Tarot de Marseille was created in a quite precise intention, to recreate
what the two authors think of being the Tarot de Marseille original and of thus conveying esoteric and philosophical concepts.
Pour them, the Tarot is the emanation of an Entity. They undertook
restoration of this Great Mind, one metaphysical machine which they call
“The Tarot”, a spiritual and cosmic machine expressing itself using one system symbolic system.
It is about a work making it possible “to restore” the language of this entity and philosophical concepts conveyed in the original Tarot.
The work thus completed is enormous, and it is for this reason that it took several years. It is not about a simple restoration of one old tarot, but of the rebuilding of a system of thought suitable for this entity which is the Tarot.
Les two authors thus created a symbology expressing the philosophical concepts which
are the starting point or the raison d'être of the original Tarot. To do this, they drew in only one deck of the symbols inspired of old tarots
very different. Previously, those which created a Tarot de Marseille were based
always only on one model of old tarot and only one.
Philippe Camoin and Alejandro Jodorowsky proceeded in a completely different way. They are inspired by symbols coming from tarots belonging to different cities,
at different times, and even with different classifications, and they them made cohabit in only one deck. Previously, nobody had done it. This manner of proceeding was completely heretical at the end of the 20th century.
This made it possible to exteriorize a knowledge and vast
unknown structure before made up of laws and complex codes, which
induced a new tarology.
The result is spectacular and enormous work is acclaimed by all the esotericists.
The Rebuilding of the Tarot

Philippe Camoin and the rebuilding of the Tarot
During the process of rebuilding the Tarot, Philippe Camoin redrew all of the cards and led the investigation in collecting a vast number of ancient documents, working on his computer to reconstruct symbols that had been lost.
During the process of rebuilding the Tarot, Philippe Camoin redrew all of the cards and led the investigation in collecting a vast number of ancient documents, working on his computer to reconstruct symbols that had been lost. In addition to the years of research that served to accumulate all the data he needed, Philippe Camoin spent two whole years redrawing the cards on his computer. During these two years, he hardly left the apartment he had rented in Paris for the purpose. Seven days a week, he studied the data on his computer and redrew every single line of the 78 maps with an electronic pen.
Alejandro Jodorowsky came regularly to his house and they discussed together the choices and improvements to be made. In the middle of this Coded Structure, a set of codes was placed at the Origin so that the true meaning of the Tarot would never be lost and could be recovered after centuries and centuries of oblivion. The logic of the Secret Codes provides the assurance of certain meanings of the Arcana of the Tarot, demonstrated through a system of Laws. A lexicon and grammar then appear, bringing to light the unknown language of the Tarot. For those who have studied the Tarot for years, these codes will be a revelation and the answer to what they have been searching for in the Tarot all their lives.

Alejandro Jodorowsky and the rebuilding of the Tarot
When Philippe Camoin chose Alejandro Jodorowsky to help him to spread a secret teaching on the Tarot which had never before been revealed by anyone, he wanted simply to pass along an unknown initiatory message and to pass it along in a secret way.
But Alejandro Jodorowsky suggested that he redesign a Tarot de Marseille deck that would show the public that it was truly a serious and authentic teaching. He told him that he had to do better than his ancestors and correct the mistakes that had been made in the old Tarot decks.
It is therefore thanks to the impetus given by Alejandro Jodorowsky that the Tarot de Marseille was redesigned with the codes and symbols of the secret teaching that Philippe Camoin wanted to disseminate orally at first. Naturally, Alejandro Jodorowsky also brought his customary genius to the work and many other symbols could be found thanks to him.
« Having studied Tarot for over 40 years, I met in Paris Philippe Camoin, who is the direct heir of the Camoin family, the last of Tarot de Marseille printers in Marseilles. The origin of the factory goes back to 1760: it was created by Nicolas Conver, who at that time engraved the most celebrated Tarot of Marseilles, the Nicolas Conver Tarot de Marseille (reissued in 1965 by the Camoin House).
From our first meeting, we decided to work together on the reconstruction of the Tarot de Marseille as it was originally. With secret facts about its history, manufacture, tradition and symbolism, and original printing plates, only we could reconstruct the original Tarot de Marseille. We have studied and compared by computer countless versions of the Tarot de Marseille, including the Nicolas Conver Tarot, the Dodal Tarot, the François Tourcaty Tarot, the Fautrier Tarot, the Jean-Pierre Payen Tarot, the Bernardin Suzanne Tarot, the Lequart Tarot de Besançon, etc.
The difficulty of such a reconstruction work lies in the fact that the Tarot de Marseille is composed of symbols that are closely interwoven and related to each other. »
Alejandro Jodorowsky
« During two years, I split my time between meditation and my computer, this in order to redesign the deck of the Tarot de Marseille so it would be the most beautiful and the most esoteric Tarot possible. When I was tired, I would go meditate for an hour. Then, I would find my energy and launch myself back into work on my computer. When I again tired, I would return to meditate for an hour. And so on for two entire years. »
« Sometimes we were searching for the explanation for a symbol which had disappeared. Alone, we could have searched for hundreds of years to no avail. But, as soon as we began to work together, we would find the solution immediately. One of us would propose a hypothesis. The other would suggest an improvement and advance another hypothesis. And so on… Some time later, and sometimes even after only a few minutes, we would find the answer to something that thousands of searchers of the Tarot had sought for centuries. Our enthusiasm was always equal to our discoveries. Nous avions impression d’être les Maîtres du Tarot pour toute la planète car nous étions les seuls à connaître tous ses secrets et nous le sommes d’ailleurs toujours. C’était un sentiment extraordinaire… »
Philippe Camoin
The Secret Codes of the Tarot
Compared to other Tarot decks, including Conver, this deck contains innumerable symbols which were rebuilt starting from many old tarots. Thanks to these symbols, a coherent esoteric unit appears. This deck is essential to be able to study the Secret Codes and the Laws of the Tarot which were revealed by Philippe Camoin. The combination of all these symbols between them brings to the tarotist and to the esotericist additional thousands of interpretations, and it is that essence.